There are two major kinds of elephants – African and Indian. You can tell them apart pretty easily by their size. The African elephant has a larger body and big, floppy ears, while the Indian elephant is a little smaller and has small, stubby ears. · I live on the continent of Africa and in the country of India.· I live on plains and deserts and in tropical rain forests and river valleys.· I'm too big to have a house. I rarely lie down and usually sleep standing up.· I have a large body with wrinkled skin and tusks made out of ivory. I also have a very long nose that I use to smell, make trumpet calls, rip leaves off trees and spray water on myself.· I am gray, tan or light brown with yellowish-white tusks.· I am very tall – usually between 10 and 15 feet (between 3 and 4.5 meters)!· I'm huge! I can weigh between 11,000 and 15,000 pounds (between 5,000 and 7,000 kilograms)!· I eat as much as 500 pounds (about 225 kilograms) of food each day! And 50 gallons (almost 90 liters) of water! My meals include leaves, grasses and other plants.· My only real enemies are human hunters who value my ivory tusks. Even though I can't walk very fast, I have few enemies that are wild animals.· I don't see very well, but my ears and nose make up for it! My famous nose allows me to smell food (or danger!) and lets me talk to my friends.译文大象——地图上涂蓝色的地方是我的家有趣的常识:象分为两大类—非洲象和印度象。
根据它们的大小,你能很容易将它们区分开。非洲象身躯比较大,耳朵大且松软下垂,而印度象要小一些,耳朵小且粗厚。· 我住在非洲大陆和印度。
· 我生活在草原、沙漠、热带雨林和河谷。· 我太大了以至于不能有个房子。我很少躺下,一般站着睡觉。· 我有一个满是褶皱皮肤的庞大身躯和尖尖的象牙。
我还有个非常长的鼻子,我用它闻味儿,当喇叭叫,从树上剥叶子,给自己洒水。· 我是灰色、茶褐色或浅棕色的,象牙黄白色。
· 我非常高—通常在10-15英尺之间(约3-4.5米之间)!· 我是巨大的!我的体重在11,000-15,000磅之间(约5,000-7,000千克之间)!· 我每天吃500磅的食物!喝50加仑(将近90公升)的水!我的饭包括叶子、草和其它植物。
· 我唯一真正的敌人是人类捕猎者,他们认为我的象牙很值钱。虽然我不能走得很快,但是我却没有什么野生动物为敌。· 我的视力不是很好,但是我的耳朵和鼻子却弥补了这个缺点!我著名的鼻子使得我能闻食物(或嗅到危险!),并且让我和朋友交谈。
He's a happy , fat ,lazy cat.He likes eating and sleeping.He's so funny!他是一只既快乐,又懒惰的胖胖猫。他喜欢吃饭和睡觉。他很幽默!
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可以 2ml 生理盐水 化开 大一点的狗用1g 小狗0.5g 肌肉或者皮下注射
世界范围内海龟数量的减少是由于以下几个原因:栖息地遭毁坏;人类过 度掠夺海龟以获取龟蛋、皮革和龟肉;不幸误陷渔网中。数量只有几百只的肯 氏龟尤其处于危险之中。其他濒危种类包括中美洲河龟(泥龟)、绿海龟(海 龟)和革龟(棱皮龟)。濒危的陆龟包括角龟(安哥洛卡陆龟)、沙漠陆龟(沙漠 地鼠陆龟)和加拉帕戈斯象龟。
A black cat。 (觉得有用请设为好评哦)
蛇为脊索动物门、爬行纲下的一类动物。Snake is a kind of animal in chordate phylum and reptile system.体细长,分为头、躯干和尾三部分,无四肢或在低等蛇类横裂的泄殖孔两侧有爪状的后肢遗迹。It has a slender body, which is divided into three parts: head, trunk and ta
亲爱的楼主:中文(猫)翻译为英文为:cat音标: [kaet]其中文发音为:看特。字母A发音为:安祝您步步高升期望你的采纳,谢谢
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bitch couple。bitch couple。这是骂人的话,不可随便说出来。狗男女(gǒu nán nǚ):多指奸夫淫妇、把人形容是狗。是指道德败坏的人。引用:《儿女英雄传》第八回:“我要寻着那两个骡夫,把这大胆的狗男女,碎尸万段。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第一○七回:“谁知那一对狗男女,却是到 天津 去的。”
dog is.sick 或者sick dog