Buffoon fish is the fishes that pertain to the damselfish to pass a sentence the more second Section of sea anemone ,The appearance that the sexual transforms in the ageing process is living ,To be living among the clan group female act as the superior species 。
Be living to spawn the stage ,State-owned fish is sheltered the nest with female fish 、Shelter the egg territory action 。
Such egg one respect be able to possess carefully the silk to solidity being living on the rock stably ,Incubate about one week ,Under age fish is living in the water straturm to float afterwards ,Walk what dwells the paragenesis living beings at base 。
Buffoon fish body face havees the particular part of the body form and sticks fluid ,May safeguard that it because of the effect of sea anemone but the security is unrestrainedly lived to of them 。
For protection of sea anemone ,Cause buffoon fish dispense with to accept the attack of else great fish ,The simultaneous sea anemone takes food that remnants and also may provide buffoon fish ,But buffoon fish too may utilize the tentacle thicket of sea anemone relievedly to construct the nest 、Spawn 。
As far as the sea anemone ,May borrow the liberty of buffoon fish passes in and out ,The fishes that draw else are near ,Add the opportunity which preyed on ;
Buffoon fish too may take-off necrosis organisation and the parasite of sea anemone ,For buffoon fish moves about decrease the deficient scraps to precipitate till the sea anemone thicket moreover 。
Buffoon fish also may borrow the rub that the body is living between the sea anemone tentacle ,Parasite either fungus which take-offed on the body are awaited 。
These appearance ,In immediate future we knowably for what reason they are of mutual benefit paragenesis in seas and oceans representatives 。
The fish spawns the sea anemone tentacle in buffoon ,Incubate queen ,Under age fish is living in the water straturm to live one period ,The proceed-to-select is fit for the sea anemone group that they are grow ,The course adapts to queen ,Can live together 。
What merit paying attention to is ,Buffoon fish can not live is living per one kind in the sea anemone ,Merely may being living in the specially designated target lives ;
But buffoon fish is living below the environment that does not there is the sea anemone 仅供参考!谢谢!
Malin(马林) 或Marin(马林)
马克土司是一种市场上不常见的小型凶猛类观赏鱼,喜爱群游,有很强的观赏性。属于加拉辛鱼。马克土司的一些特点:1.好看。鱼身颜色不属于艳丽,但会有绿色反光,灯光一打很好看。马克土司又叫皇冠双印,皇冠就是它的背鳍是橙色,看着像皇冠;双印是身上有两个大黑点,很有气势,特别是群游的时候,很壮观。 2.好养,皮实。3.好打理。4.速度快。5.不挑食。和大多数加拉辛鱼一样,马克土司也是肉食性,但是它不挑食,干饲
应该是还是水霉,遇到过类似的, 水霉病又称肤霉病或白毛病,是水产动物真菌病之一,引起这种病的病原体在我国淡水水产动物体表及卵上发现共有十多种,其中最常见的是水霉和绵霉,此类菌对温度适应范围广,5-26℃均可生长繁殖,最适温度13-18℃,水质较清的水体中生长较好。对寄主也无严格选择性,各种饲养水产动物,从卵到各龄鱼都可感染,造成此病的因素大约有:一是受伤或局部的组织坏死;二是水温剧烈变化(抵
我家豚前段时间遇到同样问题(颈部,单侧)。我的处理如下:1。剪光肿块附近的毛,注意不要剪破皮。2。涂鱼石脂软膏,一天一次。涂后残余毛会完全脱落(之后会长出来)。3。每天通过掰开嘴的方法喂四分之一片复方新诺明粉两次,首次量加倍。 药物剂量是我查了网上使用磺胺嘧啶进行治疗的文章(此药已淘汰,以复方新诺明代替),且考虑到用药对象重500g,豚鼠用药计量约为同重量人体10~20倍的情况。 用后4天,颈
在东门老街就有呀 在肯得基旁边那幢的3楼 有两家品种很全的 笼子饲料也都有卖